
I'm a software developer with data analysis skills who hails from a humanities and legal background. I feel this amalgamation of skills makes me an interesting and capable developer. I'm interested in backend web development, data analysis, machine learning, and data visualization. I am currently looking for exciting opportunities in the Research Triangle Area of North Carolina. Please feel free to download my resume and contact me for any comments and questions.


The four projects below highlight my skill at programming in Python, creating web applications, building REST APIs, and performing data analysis.

Bringing Buzzwords Home

Screenshot of Bringing Buzzwords Home line graph Screenshot of Bringing Buzzwords Home line graph function definition

Bringing Buzzwords Home is a three person data visualization project created by myself, Jonathan Kross, and David Conley while we were students at The Iron Yard. We extracted, transformed, and loaded (ETL) data from disparate sources into relational database, fed visualizations via dynamically created JSON, and created NVD3 visualizations from that JSON. You may view the code for this project on GitHub.

Tools used include: Git, Django, Django Rest Framework, Postgresql, D3, NVD3 and deployment via Heroku

Computer Programming Language Predictor

Example Output of Programming Language ClassifierScreenshot of part of

The Computer Programming Language Predictor is python script that utilizes machine learning to predict the programming language (out of a set of 15) of any given program.

Tools used include: Git, Scikit-Learn, and Jupyter Notebook

Analysis of the American Time Use Survey

Example of Jupyter Notebook of ATUS analysis.

Analysis of the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) is a Jupyter Notebook and python module that do exploratory data analysis of parts of the ATUS.

Monte Carlo Simulation of the Monty Hall Problem

Screenshot of terminal output of monty_hall.pyScreenshot of part of source is a python script that executes a Monte Carlo simulation to prove the "switch strategy" to the Monty Hall Problem.